Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Skylar Laine, best performance of the night; Credits: FOX
The top 8 have taken on the stage, and the show didn't turn out to be boring. It's now time to review each of their performances, starting from the best, to the person who I think didn't do a really great job. Before that, I just noticed people who perform last are really nailing it, Phillip, Colton, Elise, and now Skylar. Now, let's start the review...


  1. Skylar Laine - Wind Beneath My Wings - She was really connected to the song, and I love how she performed it. Okay, a lot of people are saying that she's not gonna win, I have to agree with them, but we all have to admit that she's a great artist. The judges did a great job picking the contestants this year. Skylar really did a good job closing the show, and that's quite a redemption from last week. I love her.
  2. Colton Dixon - Time After Time - Great arrangement, it sounded like it's his own, and I saw him connect with the song. I want to see him do a performance like "Pianoi Man" again, though, so I hope he'll pick a slower and soft-rock-ish song next week. One more thing, I'd be surprised if I see him leave for the upcoming weeks.
  3. Jessica Sanchez - How Will I Know - I'm glad she did a happy song this week, because I really want to see her have more fun on stage. It was a better version of Jessica than the previous versions of her, because I saw her confidence, and she really did a great, awesome job. I like this Jessica, and I hope I'll see more of her doing performances like this.
  4. Elise Testone - I Want To Know What Love Is - I'm starting to love her ever since she started really singing. Her performance was average, but it s enough to put her through the next round. I said average because I know she can do better than that, and with that average performance, she still did a great job performing better than some of the other contestants.
  5. Joshua Ledet - If You Don't Know Me By Now - Cool! I had hints that he'll be the one doing the song when I saw the spoiler song list. I wasn't expecting that much from him, because I know he can nail it, he's a great guy, and I know he's gonna make it far in the competition. This is bad, but I still don't think that he can win the competition.
  6. DeAndre Brackensick - I Like It - I think he did a great job this week, and he's really being tru to what he can do. I just think that he should start taking risks this time, because five people have been voted off, and you don't want to be the sixth. It's time to step out of you comfort zone and start to show people what other things you are capable of.
  7. Hollie Cavanagh - Flashdance... What a Feelin' - Great song, but she didn't deliver it well. She also didn't connect that much to the song, but she still has a great voice, just more connection next time. If she will ever be eliminated this week, I hope the judges save her, and I hope America will give her another chance after that.
  8. Phillip Phillips - That's All - I don't think Phillip did a great job this week, and just like what I said the previous weeks, he has to step it up because he just has to. Each performances are just similar, and I want him to do something new.
Joshua and JEssica, best duet of the night; Credits: FOX
  1. Joshua & Jessica - I Knew You Were Waiting For Me - Best duet of the night, I'm glad they decided to pair these two. They did a really awesome performance, and there's nothing more I can say about it.
  2. Colton & Skylar - Islands in the Stream - First of all, they were trending on twitter worldwide, and that's because their performance left an impact. They did a great job, and it was almost perfect.
  3. Phillip & Elise - Stop Draggin' My Heart Around - They did a great, great job, but they weren't the best. I love their duo, and I love their song, great job!
  4. DeAndre & Hollie - I'm So Excited - I like their performance, but I think DeAndre was a little exaggerated when he sang the song, with Hollie, she did a good job, and I saw them have fun, so that's it.
Bottom 3: Hollie Cavanagh, DeAndre Brackensick, Joshua Ledet
Eliminated: DeAndre Brackensick
Save? No

What do you think about their performances? Who do you think will be eliminated?

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